Epsom Salt for Tomato Plants | A Guide for Healthy Tomatoes

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Gardening is a labor of love that requires attention to detail, time, and patience. If all of these are employed correctly during the process, the result usually makes the whole thing worth it.

You may have come across various old wives’ tales and home remedies. When starting a garden, it can be challenging to tell the myths apart from the facts. 

One of the most common recommendations is to use Epsom salt for tomato plants. There is evidence that Epsom salts can help your tomato plants with several problems they might face.

Well, here’s the truth:

Are Epsom Salts Good for Tomato Plants?

epsom salt mixture for tomato plants

Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral that contains magnesium and sulfate. The industrial magnesium sulfate gets its more popular name, Epsom, from a town in London where the chemical compound was first discovered.

Like the human body, sometimes plants lack certain nutrients as well. This results in a visible abnormality in their growth, the quality of vegetables they produce, and the color of their flowers and leaves.

However, gardeners can meet their plants’ nutritional needs by using fertilizers that come from nature. Similarly, Epsom salts can be highly beneficial for the growth of your tomato plants. This mineral can help keep pests away while offering a healthy dose of magnesium to counter the adverse effects of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency leads to stunting of the plant’s growth and discoloration of its leaves. Additionally, the older leaves turn a rusty-brown color. If you notice these symptoms in your tomato plant, it is time for you to apply Epsom salt.

What Does Epsom Salt Do for Tomato Plants

yellow leaves on tomato plants

Contrary to popular opinion, Epsom salt is not the only fertilizer your tomato plants need. And well, this might be a shock, but it is also not a miracle healing agent that can cure all the ailments of your plants. 

Nevertheless, using Epsom salt in your garden has its fair share of advantages.

Fixes the Discoloration and Yellowing of Leaves

Various factors can cause plant leaves to become yellow. However, there is a mottling pattern you can notice in the case of magnesium deficiency. In such conditions, the veins retain their color while the remaining leaf gradually turns yellow.

If your tomato plants are getting insufficient magnesium because of soil depletion, Epsom salt is an affordable solution to your problem because of its high magnesium content. 

Improves the Taste of Tomatoes

As someone who enjoys the perks of homegrown tomatoes, their taste most likely holds significant importance to you. Even though magnesium and sulfur are micronutrients, it is clear that they are essential to the health of tomato plants.

Applying Epsom salt fulfills the requirements of both the micronutrients in your tomato plants. If the tomatoes have the right amount of nutrients, they will taste better and be sweeter.

Improves the Growth of Tomato Plants

Photosynthesis is how plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make oxygen and the energy they need to grow. Chlorophyll is an important part of this process because it helps plants catch the UV rays that start photosynthesis. Wondering how that ties in? Magnesium plays an incredibly vital role in plants’ chlorophyll production.

Because of this, it’s not surprising that a lack of magnesium causes plants to grow slowly, lose leaves, and produce fewer fruits. Thankfully, you can use Epsom salt to restore the level of magnesium and sulfur in your soil.

Epsom Salt Recipe for Tomato Plants

epsom salt spray for tomato plants

That said, nutrient deficiency is an undeniable evil that has various adverse effects. However, many people forget that oversaturation of certain minerals in the soil can also affect the growth of tomato plants.

Here’s how much Epsom salt you should use for tomato plants:

Potted Tomato Plants

Mix two tablespoons of Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Use this mixture only once a month.


Before you plant a seedling in your garden, uniformly sprinkle the plot with a cup of Epsom salt and work it into the soil. In the long run, it will be easier for your tomato plant’s roots to get magnesium.

Maintenance of Tomato Plants

Instead of waiting for your plants to show magnesium deficiency, you can use Epsom salt to prevent it in the first place. The ideal ratio is to mix one tablespoon per foot of the plant’s height. Nevertheless, you should refrain from overusing the mineral.

Frequently Asked Questions About Using Epsom Salt for Tomato Plants

epsom salt for garden

When should you put Epsom salt on tomato plants?

Epsom salt is best used when you notice traces of magnesium deficiency in your tomato plants. However, you must be careful not to overuse it. Mix two tablespoons of Epsom salt into a gallon of water to treat plants with a severe lack of magnesium. An application schedule of twice a month should do just fine. 

Can too much Epsom salt hurt tomato plants?

Yes, excessive use of Epsom salts can hurt the growth of your tomato plants and lead to root problems. A mineral imbalance can also be caused by too much magnesium and sulfur in the soil, which may lead to discoloration and even stop calcium absorption.

How much Epsom salt do you put under tomato plants?

For the soil drenching method, you should mix a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and pour the mixture at the base of the plant. Soil drenching allows the minerals to soak into the soil. On the other hand, you can add a tablespoon of Epsom salt to a quarter gallon of water and spray it on the foliage of your tomato plant. Repeat this every two weeks if you notice the tomato plant’s leaves turning yellow.

Does Epsom salt help with Blossom End Rot in tomato plants?

epsom salt for tomatoes blossom end rot

Blossom End Rot occurs when there is a calcium deficiency in tomato plants. While Epsom salt is effective in fulfilling the micro nutritional needs of the tomato plants, it does not help with the Blossom End Rot. Instead, too much of the mineral compound can block the calcium channels in the plant, which may lead to this condition.

What is the best fertilizer for tomato plants?

Fertilizers rich in phosphorus are highly suitable for the growth of tomato plants. This is because phosphorus is a vital nutrient, and its deficiency can lead to plant death. That said, bone meal is the best fertilizer for tomatoes as it is organic and contains a high phosphorus content.

What other nutrients do tomatoes need?

While magnesium and sulfur are micronutrients that tomatoes need to grow correctly, some other macronutrients they require include nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potash, and potassium.

Enjoy Your Healthy Nutritious Tomatoes

what does epsom salt do for tomato plants

Unlike many other garden hacks, the effectiveness of Epsom salt is not a horticultural myth. Nevertheless, you should learn about the specific needs of your tomato plants and choose a method of application that suits them. Also, be careful not to overuse Epsom salt.

Remember that there is no magical cure for all your tomato plants’ problems. So, when looking for answers, it’s important to consider factors like the pH balance of the soil.

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